The Smart India Hackathon stands as a beacon of innovation and problem-solving, a platform where the ingenuity of young minds converges to address real-world challenges. At the Academy of Technology, we recognize the significance of fostering such creativity, and this led us to take the helm in organizing the Smart India Hackathon 2023.


The journey commenced with meticulous planning, forming a dedicated organizing committee comprising faculty members and enthusiastic student volunteers. Registrations continued from August 24, 2023, to August 27, 2023, attracting a staggering 111 teams. The primary objectives were clear: provide a platform for innovation, foster collaboration among departments, and identify the cream of the crop for the intra-college round.


Departmental Round:

Date: 08/09/2023 & 09/092023

The departmental round initiated the hackathon, with teams identifying real-world problems and proposing technological solutions. Evaluation criteria included innovation, feasibility, and potential impact. A total of 59 teams out of 111 advanced to the Intra-College round.



Intra-college Round:

Date: 20/09/2023

The culmination of hard work and innovation, the intra-college round showcased top teams presenting their projects and prototypes. A total of 30 teams out of 59 were shortlisted, with an additional 5 teams waitlisted based on their unique ideologies.


Out of numerous talented teams, 30 exceptional ones emerged as winners. These projects are set to be showcased on the Smart India Hackathon portal, offering global exposure.

Academy of Technology expresses gratitude to Prof. Jagannath Banerjee, the former Chairman of the college, and Dr. Dilip Kumar Maity, the Principal for their visionary leadership. While we may not have the physical presence of Prof. Jagannath Banerjee with us today, his profound ideologies and invaluable guidance will forever resonate within our hearts and guide us on our journey ahead.


Grand Finale:

Organized in December 2023, the Grand Finale marked the apex of months of preparation and collaboration. Teams like VOID_1729, TechFusion Innovators, and Buzz 6 showcased their transformative experiences, facing challenges with resilience.


VOID_1729 (SIH 1465)

A team comprising of students from the CSE and CSBS branches shortlisted for the finals shared a transformative experience of collaboration and passion. The finals corresponding to their problem statement was held at Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai, Chattisgarh. Despite not securing a winning position, their 36-hour endeavor was enriched with learning and confidence-building. They definitely gave a tough fight under the guidance of their mentors, Prof. Partha OkiGhosh and Prof. Suman Goswami who played an integral role in keeping them motivated throughout the hackathon.


TechFusion Innovators


In the dynamic realm of the Smart India Hackathon, techFusion Innovators from the Academy of Technology undertook a 36-hour odyssey, navigating challenges and refining their problem-solving finesse. Despite outcomes not favoring them in the competition, the experience served as a testament to their unwavering pursuit of excellence, weaving a tapestry of growth and camaraderie. As the hackathon concluded, the unfolding journey represents not just a continuation but an elegant evolution of their collective pursuit of technological innovation.


Buzz 6 (SIH1297)

This team of six students from the 3rd year of AOT's Electrical Engineering department bagged the first rank in the AICTE Smart India Hackathon 2023 for Problem Statement ID 1297 and won a whooping 1 lakh rupees of prize money as a testimony of their talent, creativity, and excellence.

Under the able guidance of their mentors, they developed a novel software application under the domain of Robotics and Drones. They designed a system for drone-based assessment of large-size catchment areas of hydro-power plants and for monitoring the progress of the treatment plan. Their project impressed the judges with its ingenuity, feasibility, and high potential for application in the hydroelectric power industry. Buzz 6 and its outstanding success ably demonstrates the spirit of innovation and collaboration that AOT nurtures in its students.


Organizing such an event posed logistical, resource management, and equality challenges. Despite these, the hackathon was a resounding success, with lessons learned to enhance future editions. The Smart India Hackathon 2023 was not just an event; it was a testament to the power of innovation. We extend gratitude to sponsors, participants, mentors, and the organizing committee for making this transformative experience possible. As we conclude, we celebrate the impact of the hackathon on our students, equipping them to tackle real-world challenges with technology and innovation.