05 Aug’ 2023

We are immensely delighted to present an elaborate account of the remarkable inauguration of the IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Computer Society at the esteemed Academy of Technology. This monumental event brought together luminaries, students, and professionals alike, fostering an atmosphere of intellectual exchange, innovative ideas, and insightful seminars on cutting-edge technologies.

 Welcoming the Distinguished Guests: 

The event's commencement was graced with a heartfelt welcome to our esteemed dignitaries. Dr.  Dilip Kumar Maity, the illustrious Principal of  Academy of Technology, extended his warm greetings to Dr. ITI SAHA MISRA, the  distinguished Chief Guest of the occasion. Dr.  Krishna Bhowal, the Registrar of Academy of Technology, articulated a cordial welcome to the erudite speakers, Dr. Debasis De and Dr. Anirban Mukhopadhyay, who would go on to deliver captivating seminars.

The Illuminating Inauguration: 

A highlight of the event was the solemn and symbolic lighting of the lamp, a revered tradition that signifies the illumination of minds and the path of knowledge. Dr. ITI SAHA MISRA, Dr. Dilip Kumar Maity, Dr. Debasis De, Dr. Anirban Mukhopadhyay, and Dr. Krishna Bhowal collectively ignited the ceremonial lamp, signifying the official inauguration of the IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Computer Society. 

Inspirational Address by Dr. Dilip Kumar Maity: 

Dr. Dilip Kumar Maity, the respected Principal, took the stage to share his insights. In his inspirational address, he highlighted the importance of technological advancements in shaping society's future. He lauded the inception of the IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Computer Society as a crucial step towards nurturing innovation and fostering a culture of research and learning. 

 Inspirational Discourse by Arnab Basak: 

Arnab Basak, the Chair of IEEE Student Branch at Academy of Technology, stepped onto the podium to deliver a heartfelt address. In his eloquent speech, he expressed sincere gratitude to the attendees and passionately emphasized the pivotal role that the IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Computer Society would play in fostering innovation, collaboration, and technical brilliance among the student community.

Keynote Address by Dr. ITI SAHA MISRA: 

The event's atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm as Dr. ITI SAHA MISRA, the eminent Chief Guest, took center stage to deliver the keynote address. With eloquence and passion, she spoke about the dynamic landscape of technology and research. Her words resonated deeply, underscoring the importance of innovation and collective effort in propelling the world towards new horizons

Dive into Emerging Tech: Internet of Drone Things - Dr. Debasis De: 

Dr. Debasis De's seminar on the fascinating realm of the Internet of Drone Things was a captivating voyage into the realm of technology's future. His presentation delved into the intricate connections between drones and the digital sphere, highlighting their potential applications in diverse fields. Attendees were spellbound as they explored the possibilities this technology offers. 

 Illuminating Perspectives on Bioinformatics - Dr. Anirban Mukhopadhyay: 

The second seminar of the day, led by Dr. Anirban Mukhopadhyay, took attendees on a journey into the realm of Bioinformatics. With profound insights, he unveiled the crossroads where biology and technology merge, showcasing how bioinformatics is reshaping healthcare and research paradigms. His discourse left attendees with a new appreciation for the synergy between science and technology.

The Backbone: IEEE Student Branch Team: 

Amidst the success of the event, the driving force behind the IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Computer Society was evident—the counselor, Prof. Arindrajit Pal & the dedicated student branch members. Their commitment, tireless efforts, and passion were integral to the seamless execution of the event. Their enthusiasm illuminated  the day, setting a precedent for the promising journey ahead. 



The event's conclusion was met with a palpable sense of fulfillment and inspiration among the attendees. As they departed, minds buzzing with new ideas and perspectives, it was clear that the inauguration of the IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Computer Society had left an indelible mark on the Academy of Technology's academic landscape. 

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the dignitaries, speakers, volunteers, and the engaged audience whose collective efforts culminated in this resounding success. With profound enthusiasm, the IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Computer Society at the Academy of Technology embark on an exciting journey of exploration, learning, and innovation.