February 25, 2023 – In a significant milestone for the Academy of Technology, a new Student Chapter of Mechanical Engineering has been established, bringing fresh energy and enthusiasm to the campus. Their first inter-department event, a seminar on 3D printing and prosthetics hosted by the IEI Student's Chapter ME, showcased the potential impact of cutting-edge technology on healthcare and engineering with an impressive number of 300 attendees. One remarkable aspect of this event was the commitment to accessibility. With a minimal registration fee of Rs. 10, the organizers ensured that knowledge and inspiration were accessible to all who sought it.


The event, held on February 25, 2023, featured Senior Mechanical Design Engineer Kanhaiya Jha from Vispala Technologies as the distinguished speaker. The seminar went beyond theoretical discussions, providing attendees with live prosthetic demonstrations to highlight the tangible benefits of 3D printing in this field.


Attendees at the workshop were not only treated to the technical aspects of 3D printing but also witnessed the transformative power it holds in crafting functional and aesthetically pleasing prosthetic limbs. Kanhaiya Jha's presentation skillfully demystified the complexities of 3D printing, making it accessible and engaging for participants.


The palpable excitement among the attendees reflected the success of the seminar. The active participation and overwhelming response underscored the growing interest in these innovative technologies, showcasing the student body's curiosity and eagerness to explore new frontiers in the field of mechanical engineering.


The seminar and workshop were not merely about machines and engineering marvels; they were a testament to the potential of technology to uplift and empower lives. The event served as a beacon, illuminating the path toward a future where innovation and compassion walk hand in hand, transforming the landscape of healthcare and making a tangible difference in the world.


As the newly established Student Chapter of Mechanical Engineering at the Academy of Technology continues to make strides, this successful event has set the tone for a promising journey ahead, emphasizing the chapter's commitment to fostering knowledge, innovation, and societal impact.